My3dP: a little mistake…

Today I noticed I made a little mistake during the building of my 3d printer: the plastic holders for the rods of the y axis were mounted rotated 180 degrees and therefore the printing plate was too low: The proper installation is as follows: Now the endstop for the y axis also works fine:

My3dP: power supply

I chose, as power supply for my 3d printer, a common ATX power supply for desktop PCs. The Printrboard has a connector for the power supply’s 12V plug: To turn the power supply on, you need to connect the green wire (PS ON) to a black one (ground). I therefore opened the power supply, cut the…

My3dP: the electronics

The kit I brought from MakerFarm includes the Printrboard as electronic to control your 3d printer: This board, developed for the Printrbot project, has the following features: Atmel AT90USB1286 microcontroller (can run the most famous firmwares like Marlin or Sprinter and manages the USB communication to the PC); 4 Allegro A4982 stepper drivers  (3 axes + the extruder); MOSFET outputs for extruder, heatbed and an optional fan;…

My3dP: the extruder

I’ve just completed the assembly of the extruder for my 3dprinter… MakerFarm’s kit includes the one designed by Greg Frost: at the bottom of the extruder you have to connect the hotend; I’ve already blogged about it in a previous post: extruder and hotend are then mounted on the x-carriage: