WGX iBeacons

In a recent tutorial I explained how to detect the presence of an iBeacon with the esp32 chip. The iBeacon used to demonstrate the program is manufactured by a chinese Company, Wellcore, and sold by Banggood. The transmitter is enclosed in a plastic, non waterproof, case of 4x4cm size: The enclosure has a hole that allows you to hang the…

ESP32 (32) – BLE, iBeacon

In my previous article I explained the Bluetooth Low Energy technology and the advertising process. You learned that a BLE device can leverage the advertising packets to send data; in this case the device is called broadcaster and the devices which receive data are called observers. The payload of an advertising packet has the following structure: ADV ADDR is the device MAC address (this is the…

ESP32 (31) – BLE, GAP

In my previous tutorials you learned how to use the wifi interface of the esp32 chip. Starting from this post, I’m going to explain you the second wireless technology the esp32 chip supports: bluetooth. In particular, my tutorial will be about Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), sometimes called also Bluetooth 4.0 or Bluetooth Smart: Bluetooth Low Energy BLE is a technology…

BLE with Bluno Beetle

Some time ago my friend Mauro Alfieri showed me an interesting development board produced by DFRobot and called Bluno Beetle (now Beetle Ble). It seemed the perfect board to start “playing” with the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology; therefore I ordered  one board directly from the DFRobot store. I expected to receive the usual anonymous parcel with…


Today’s project, ESP32lights, is a smart device based on the esp32 chip. Thanks to ESP32lights you can turn a load on and off (I used it for my christmas lights) [checklist] manually based on daily schedules based on the light intensity [/checklist] ESP32lights connects to your wifi network, can be configured and operated via a…