BlueRelayShield: review

An italian company, Lemontech, kindly provided me a sample of their new Arduino shield, named BlueRelayShield:   The yellow-colored shield has: [checklist] a Bluetooth HC-05 module two SRD-05VDC relays  two 5mm 3 contacts screw terminals two status leds [/checklist] Using this shield you can switch on/off two loads (connected to the relays) sending commands via Bluetooth. HC-05 Module The included HC-05 module allows a Bluetooth device to talk with Arduino via…

enc28J60 and Arduino (19)

In a previous post, I’ve already introduced the UIPEthernet library, that allows to reuse the sketches designed for the official ethernet shield also with the ENC28J60 chip. Some days ago Giorgio (official site), an Arduino maker from the Province of Turin, kindly sent me one of his sketches which uses that library to publish a webserver which let you change the status of…