SVG Dashboard

The following tutorial will show how you can create a web dashboard to graphically display data using the standard vectorial format SVG. Introduction I was looking for a way to show in a graphic form data coming from a feed on Pachube: I needed to create a dashboard available via web and without proprietary technologies (Flash…). I found this blogpost by…

Arduino 1.0

Arduino team has just released the long-awaited version 1.0 of their IDE. Many new features, including a new extension for sketch files (.ino), new protocols (DHCP, DNS) for Ethernet library, a refreshed GUI… Here the annuncing post on the official blog with all the new features, while here you can download the new version. Let me know your first impressions!

PIC32 in DIP package

A reason probably reduced the use of the 32 bit family of Microchip’s PIC microcontrollers in hobbistic projects is that those microcontrollers were available only in packages hardly hand-solderable. Starting from November, are now available the first PIC32 in DIP package, at the moment I’m writing: PIC32MX110F016B PIC32MX210F016B PIC32MX120F032B  PIC32MX220F032B All in a 28pin package. The main differences between the…

OpenHardware Journal

OpenHardware, an organization that exists to support, assist, and promote the idea of open hardware has just made available the first issue of its online magazine: even if its layout is quite “home-made”, the magazine is full of interesting topics!


ArduRGB it’s a simple project to show how to drive an RGB led with Arduino. In the GitHub repository you can find the Arduino sketch and a sample program written in C# and in the forum you can ask for informations,requests… [highlight color=”yellow”]Warning: the program described below is designed for a common cathod led, if you need to use…