ESP32, PlatformIO

PlatformIO is an opensource ecosystem (as it’s defined in the homepage of the project) to develop IoT projects. The heart of the platform is a software component named PlatformIO Core. This component includes: [checklist] a cross-platform compiler a libraries and dependences manager a serial monitor [/checklist] PlatformIO Core is developed in Python and therefore it can run on…

Chrome Apps and serial port communication

Introduction During the development of my electronic projects, I sometimes need to develop a graphical user interface (GUI) that talks using serial communication with the devices I create. In the past, I usually chose to develop those interfaces in C# and using the .Net Framework; framework which allows a rapid development, offers great ways to customize the interface (for…

App Inventor v2

The M.I.T. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) has recently published the version 2 of App Inventor, a tool to develop Android apps. Its official website is App Inventor makes easy to develop – with graphical tools – both the GUI and the logic of a mobile app. I really appreciated how fast is to develop even complex applications connecting…